Mandolin U Srinivas - the divine krishna with a Mandolin

Friday, September 19, 2014 , , , , , 0 Comments

Dear Mas. Mandolin U Srinivas,

Couple of years senior to me, I was following your success right from almost your initial concerts.  You were addressed then as Master U Srinivas and till today I recall you with that name.

What happened?  Why you decided to leave this early?  How can you even think about parting from your Mandolin.  The last I heard you was when you played at a concert that happened at Besant Nagar beach.  

After Smt. M. S, Subbulakshmi's end, yours affecting me the most.  No! I am not switching on the TV to watch you lying out there.  Just cannot bear it.

First time I listened to you, it was at Parthasarathy Temple, Triplicane, your Mandolin crooned, I just had to close my eyes to listen to the words.  They were so accurate, it was like singing.  Marugelara, nagumo, entharo mahanubaavulu, theeradha vilayattu pillai, maithreem bahajatha, kurai ondrum illai, raghupathi raghava, when you played the lines, "kariyavanai kaanadha kann enna kanae? kannimaithu kanpar tham kann enna kanae?" ...."nadanthaanai yethaadha naavena naavae? Narayaa enna naavena naavae... Narayana enna naavena naavae...".  Tears flowed through and I floated to another world. chit after chit passed, music after music flowed...we didn't have the heart to leave you and you didn't have the heart to part and when "Pavamana sutudu", played I fell down with a thud.  I felt a fierce desire to kidnap this boy and take him home and make him play, little selfishly for me... You can't blame me, I was young too then and it was not hard to imagine you as my Krishna with a mandolin :)

I won't say, I went for all your concerts, not hailing from a musical family, I had certain restrictions at home and couldn't go to sabhas as much as I wished.  But, you stayed with me, tucked in a 12 rupees, Takaai cassette and played for me every day along with M.S. amma and later Kadri ji.  

I ignored the personal side of your life, though heard about few disturbances there.  For me you were a musical genius, and I have seen that innocent smile playing your face all the time and I thought nothing can affect you.  (It really hurts to talk about you in past tense)

Do you know that, you were there playing when my son was in my womb and you were there as a lullaby to my son after he was born.  You were there at my sad times, I reached out to your songs when I was happy, when I was sad... but never thought I will be hearing you play, during this sad phase of your absence from this world.  Listening to you now. 

Just can't believe you are dead! 

With loads of love,
From your ardent admirer Srimathi..(Yes, I become Srimathi, when I hear you)

It is tough to type, my eyes swimming with tears...



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

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