Walking down the shackled bridge...
I dreamed a dream of you coming true,
my heart brimming with the tuneless tune
Walked down the shackled bridge,
Rested on a nearby ridge...
I tread with a happy smile,
Dreamt about the days bright,
Far away on a spring evening,
We walked and talked out our feelings...
Sun donning his best garb,
Shone on the stream, not too sharp...
Passing clouds stopped by,
Drizzles ripped the shy sky...
Caught a tangy whiff of you,
The whole outdoors rushed with you...
Pine, Spruce, dew and mist,
The fragrant rain all mixed...
Heady! heady indeed,
I tried to control my heart's plee..
You entered my heart with out a sign,
Dancing those steps, waltzing my spine...
Lovely to see the slanted smile,
Eyes thronged to see your sight...
Hands longed to touch your mane,
Your bewitching laugh, made me insane...
I dreamed a dream of you coming true,
My heart brimming the tuneless tune,
Sudden thunder woke me rude,
All those pleasures wiped out crude...
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