

Saturday, August 18, 2012

London Olympics 2012

London Olympics 2012 started with a bang and ended beautifully.  It entertained us, excited us and made us cheer our nations and at the same time made us watch varied beautiful sports. I realized there are games like fencing, synchronized swimming, dressage, rhythmic gymnastics besides Cricket, that were pretty captivating and full of grace, aggression, attitude and style. Felicitations while winning medals, disappointment while losing some. Though, we wanted India to win, that didn't stop us from cheering the true champions from all over the world.  

Olympic delights me every season and the first thing that comes to my mind is "Asterix at the Olympics".  Ah! the sheer beauty of it.  I think people in my generation, would have grown up reading Asterix and they will feel the same. The funny story of where Astrerix wins a medal and the way he wins it somehow reminded me of Saina and her bronze ;)

This post is to share few snippets on Olympic season, on few funny quotes from winners, the hits, the misses. 

Salam.! England.! 

Britain known for her glorious past, a small isles which ruled many countries spread over many continents.  The pride when they say, "Rule, Britannia!rule the waves: Britons never will be slaves." There is a pride in their anthem, undoubtedly that came with power.  

There were few distinct advantages due to the rule of English in our country.  Social reforms with regards to woman, railways, telegraph, post office, educational system. Not that we wouldn't have achieved them on our own, but it would have taken more time.  More than everything, all the diversified rajyas got united to fight for independence.  We got in to the "unity in diversity" mode from then on. 

India's participation in Olympics:

83 athletes from India, represented to play at London Olympics 2012. They participated in 13 different sports.  We won 6 medals, a mix of silver and bronze, I am happy while the winners are lauded and rewarded handsome for their win, let us not forget those who lost it close.  Hope all the awards, money, gold doesn't make the medal winners happy and content and lose out next time.

Let us not concentrate only on the winners, there are few athletes who came close to winning the medal, who are promising.  We should train them well and gear the up to win the next Olympics. Every school if they start to train their students well in sports, then definitely there would be good number of budding athletes would turn out every year.  Unfortunately, we are in a country were most of the Schools does not have a play ground for kids. 

Funny happenings around Olympics:

India honored the athletes on a dais, and the anchor due to excitement or lack of preparation made one blunder after another.  It was quite funny to watch, how someone can be that clumsy. Narang and Saina were announced as silver medalists. Shooter Joydeep was taken by surprise when he was called an archer. Saina was called Sania Nehwal and Yogeshwar dutt was referred to as Yogender Dutta...

Few quotes: Courtesy: The Montreal Gazette

Russian women’s handball coach Evgeny Trefilov: “Some of [the team] simply live in a fantasy world. I don’t. I could imagine I look like [French actor] Alain Delon or James Bond but I don’t — I look more like a monkey.”

Hungarian water-polo player Zoltan Szecsi(who had to go for dope testing): “They simply cannot believe that such a great body can be built without any banned stuff.”

39-year-old Bulgarian gymnast Iordan Iovtchev: “I’m just trying to survive. My body’s falling apart. My back’s hurting, my ankles are hurting.”

Blogger's note:  

Maybe we should conduct Olympics in India.  Myth: If players play in their home ground, chances of winning is high.  Who knows, we can win a gold in gymnastics too.

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