Miles in your mind...

Thursday, February 02, 2012 , 8 Comments

You walked miles inside your mind,
Wondering if things would work fine...
When you thought you reached the port,
Another mile added to the winning post...

Mind brimming with turbulent thoughts,
Remained serene though scarred...
Fire smouldering behind that tear,
Rising again with no fear...

I saw you at the middle of the sea,
Refusing to heed to defeat...
Keeping up with the flow,
Strokes effective, yet storms galore...

Winning post, just inches away,
And the current tossed you astray,
Not resting your arms for a minute,
You swam again, with fighting spirit...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

8 Candles:

m3i Pte Ltd said...

Surprised to know that you are a poet too.


turbulent mind

Viji said...

Heard you reciting few poems couple of years back, Ramkumar. Do you write poems? thanks for the dropping in to read and for the comment...

Viji said...

yes turbulent mind devs :)

Shivsu said...

Reminds me of those times as a software developer - before those elusive releases!

Viji said...

shiv :)

m3i Pte Ltd said...

Yes Viji. A collection is ready for publishing. A Kolkatta based 50year old Publisher - Writers Workshop (Prof Lal) had offerred to publish it but I am supposed to buy 300 copies. Not sure whether I can sell so many.

I also got a forward / review written by Anuradha Ananth who used to review movies in NDTV Hindu.

If you want to read the full volume, let me know I will send it to your email ID.

Viji said...

yes ofcourse, Ramkumar... want to read the whole volume, can you forward the link to

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme