You are a challenge, hard to resist...

Sunday, January 09, 2011 4 Comments

Not sure, where this path leads to..
You've added hurdles to my clear road.
The more I jump, the taller the obstacles become.
Tell me one thing?
Why do you intend to complicate things?
Why can't you be the way you used to?
All sweet and easy to reach...

I am willing to spend the rest of my years,
Blowing the hurdles to reach for you...
You've become a challenge, hard to ignore,
I hope to restore, the age old love in store.
Why do you make it hard for me?
Why do you step up and down?
Determined to drive my patience ...

Whatever you do.. however you try...
You can't push me away and fly ..
You can act as if you don't care
You think your heart is safe, when not shared...
You can lay your feelings stashed...
But, I can see their heads raise high,
As, I walk past by your side...
Why do you intend to complicate things?
Why can't you be the way you used to?
all sweet and easy to reach...
I am willing to spend the rest of my years,
Blowing the hurdles to reach for you...
You've become a challenge, hard to ignore,
I hope to restore, the age old love in store.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

4 Candles:

Anonymous said...

Viji, I did not read your Poem. :).

Viji said...

@krishnan ha ha... I don't mind and I know you will run the other side, when it comes to poetry. This is a song and planning to request shivsu, to try composing music for a couple of lines and see if they are worthy..
Thanks for dropping by buddy! have a nice sunday!

powerfull words..lets see how this comes out as a song. I want to hear it.

Viji said...

@devs thanks! I doubt if it would ever come out as a song... but its a song i wrote, with a tune inside my mind and I will hear it whenever I read these lines.

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme