Rat race

I am writing this blog entry to celebrate the clever mind behind this term... I experienced the scenario literally, when I was sitting in our conference room yesterday evening. There were 3 little rats running around playing hide and seek. I was talking to a vendor and struggling to keep a straight face, when the rat leapt and ran on the vendor's feet. He panicked and lifted his feet and rested it on the chair. It was hilarious to watch the guy with his blazers and tie, resting his legs on his chair and holding his knees. In just a moment the situation reversed and the rat ran next to my feet and I was damn scared but didn't want to lose my poise. I tried making a joke about it. It lasted only for a second, the next second, I felt something crawling on my back and all hell broke lose. I am not going to explain the embarrassing moment. Suresh has to take lessons from this Rat on how to touch sensuously. Pardon my french!
Moral: Rats target their goal and win the prize.
I am done! What are you waiting for? Am not going to elaborate... Show over!
10 Candles:
yep! i have the first hand experience in being a witness every now and then this rat race...for those who do not know me, i am a part of talent acquisition team of an IT company and often witnessed this rat race figuratively.
hilarious sis! hehe...
ha ha ha.. oh gawd.. well these rats played hide and seek with me.. :P
Haha, rats! I hate them!
thanks Rina :)
@harsha same feeling :)
@ajey he he... i don't hate them; i don't love them too :)
Horses, dogs, pigs, snakes, fish...
Now even rats?!?
May the Lord save these voiceless creatures from the (manicured) claws of women!
Uh! shiv!!!!! :p gulp... pls don't say such things :(
hee hee..good one viji.. in our apartment we have really bigs ones with claws (i dont know what u call them).
I personally feel how scared you would be -:)( but cant help laughing)
Another doubt! what happnd to that vendor. Did he give you the contract. Poor guy wouldnt have expected rats in a IT company.
it's the other way round. this vendor wanted me to sign the contract..i had been dodging for long before called him to office. i doubt he will ever comeback :) good riddance!
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