

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wanting to sleep; but keeping awake!

Staring at the void
Thinking of those thoughts,
When the sky was blue
Bluer than the truth.

Walks we took,
Talks we shared,
When things rushed past
We didn't care.

I cross the road,
With no hands to hold.
Mind reliving those moments,
Playing back and fro.

Is there a scratch,
That created this gap?
Am I to be blamed,
For being little tame?

Thinking of those thoughts,
Rushing through curves and bends;
Circling before me,
Trying to reach the end.

It's not going to be long;
The song of ours is not strong.
It's only a matter of time,
Till things become plain.

I am not going to try,
To straighten this trite..
Will let things go,
Whilst, I have few memories to hold!


  1. I hope everything turns normal and to happiness and togetherness soon. Nice write up!

  2. It's not going to be long;
    The song of ours is not strong.
    It's only a matter of time,
    Till things become plain.

    Whilst, I have few memories to hold!

    ----Nice lines... deep ones...

  3. second reading sounds touchy dear...
    quite true in a relationship...a one to one relationship.....
