A seperate blog for Kids - Story time and funny rhymes

Saturday, August 29, 2009 2 Comments

Hi Friends,

I started to write stories and rhymes for kids in this blog sometime back. Some of my friends suggested it would be better if I run a seperate blog for kids, so that this blog does not get crowded with cartoons, videos and lengthy posts.

I thought it made sense and I have moved the postings to this blog. It would be great if you add this blog too in your list and give me your inputs on how the posts are.




Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

2 Candles:

Hi Viji....u took the lead..actually i am preparing for the same...(took much time for me in data collection)
All the best...and congrats to open a new avenue for US..!!! ha ha ha ha

Viji said...

yeah yeah... you are born today :)

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme