I moanedI swooned
I trembled
I shook
Closed my eyes
Swallowed hard
that's what everyone would do
at 102 degrees burning flu.
A hole through seven days
can be termed as my holiday
fell sick and stuck to my bed
pillow tucked beneath my head.
Thought the jacuzzi, the rain shower
And Sure(sh) would wait for me
while the bed, the blanket
and fever enveloped me.
I had my moments
here and there
but missed the fun
the food, the lazy strolls.
The market looked so colourful
And I rose to prove "I am powerful"
took a bite of the juicy fruits
the blue berries, strawberries
Honey and syrup
My tummy started to raise with protest.
Stuck with a thermometer
tucked like a baby
I slept
I cried
I trembled
Closed my eyes
Swallowed hard
That's what everyone would do
at 102 degrees burning flu.
A hole through seven days
can be termed as my holiday
fell sick and stuck to my bed
pillow tucked beneath my head.
Me on my birthday...
Ani sporting a tatoo - A profile of a Lion
My bro Srini and his son Aareev. Look at him driving the truck like a pro :)


On my Birthday at link (The Village - Raghuleela mall at Kandivali) theme restaurant.
Up and down
wavering motions
as we reach higher
we wonder that's heaven
down the dungeon
Pity we cannot stay at the pinnacle
Swaying motion
that’s life.
My little champ - Ani (Phelps of our house)
Mom, Me, Sure and Ani
Sure looking very serious
Jai Ho - Srini, Sejal and Aareev.. btw Aareev loves Singh is king, Rock on and Jai ho songs. He is very choosy when it comes to music and song, not every song excites him. He has a good taste I say... Damn proud of you love :)
Whew I planned to wear smart chic dresses, but didn't get the chance to wear them.
camel cart... Guess who's on top?
Looks like aareev saying "Don't try to frighten me." He was curious.

Where we stayed... Saket plaza
I can never forget this journey... 8 hours of pain.
That's my holiday in a nutshell for you :)
12 Candles:
There is a good flow in this piece. But, the theme is sad. I hope you are feeling better now. Quite genuinely expressed!!!
I am as right as rain :) Thank you AJ.
Loved the pics. Everything happens for a reason. Be positive...there are many other vacations to come.
well, you've described being sick perfectly... sorry it had to be on your holiday though...
@Vandya Yes I agree... there were some memorable moments too :)
@shadow it happens, and when a fair poetry comes out of it, it's OK to be little sick too :) I got to spend some time with my brother's family that was the best part of this holiday.
A hole through seven days
can be termed as my holiday
fell sick and stuck to my bed
pillow tucked beneath my head.
that's a great stanza!
but still with family
and it must have been fun...
@Gerry thank you:)
@chriz true had a good time. People were fussing around me and it was irritating then. But if they do the same now, i would have loved the attention.
Ohh.. Hope you're well & good now di.
But this proves one thing for sure, you can write on anything you want to :)
Thank You
Very nice one, gud pics too..
Expressed and conveyed prefectly..
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