You are you, and I am me

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 , 8 Comments

The days
when we went hand in hand
sharing a laughter,
stopped by a flower,
writing poems on sun and flower
greeting mornings and nights with sigh :)

Watching the sunset at the beach
You gazed at the moon as it climbed
I gazed at you and not at the sight
your face shaded, interested me...

Dark and silver, playing hide and seek
distant waves, heard crashing at the shore
hands itched to reach for sure....

movies were just an excuse
two glorious hours
spent looking at you...
watching you smile
watching you frown
watching you laugh
your raised eyebrows,
when you caught me looking at you...

You are you, and I am me
that's what make us tick may be...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

8 Candles:

Opaque said...

"You are you, and I am me
that's what make us tick may be... "

That's a sweet line!!! Keep writing!!!

I simply love this one. Can easily relate as well.

Viji said...

Ajey :)

Viji said...

thank you you enjoy poems these days?

sudharm baxi said...

"You gazed at the moon as it climbed
I gazed at you and not at the sight"

"You are you, and I am me
that's what make us tick may be..."

So very lively..

Viji said...

those lines are my favourite too Sudharm..

A Blip said...

Viji, I love you and your words equally. So beautiful. So Amazing. Damn you viji.. I keep wanting to read more. I spent 2 hours on ur blog trying to read whatever I have missed out.

Viji said...

wow wow wow... krithi... love you too... not sure if i deserve such a complement but for sure they will keep me going :) thanks for the read dear...

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme