Trapped thoughts

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9 Comments

Mind playing vigilance on thoughts
Trapped between the mind lay thoughts,
Creeping through impossibles, to make it possible...
Gaining through obstacles, towards solutions...
Running through mazes, aiming for connectivity...
Reaching the doors of mind to escape.

Locked doors caught thoughts unaware
Was thrust back to the cavern of peril.
Back in the dungeon with bound hands
Remain to belong with impossibles, obstacles and mazes
To reach the door, to be pushed back...
The never ending rat race between mind and thought.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

9 Candles:

Opaque said...

This is brilliant!!! So much unlike your other posts!!! I can relate to this one as I've been in such a confusing and dangerous position. Keep writing!!!

Anonymous said...

i used to have such a rat race when i used to go near alcohol

Shadow said...

oooh, trapped indeed, excellent!

Viji said...

Ajey, so you both had been there too? welcome aboard :)

Viji said...

Chriz: good that it is in past tense :)

Viji said...

yeah trapped shadow:) no escape... being shunted..

sudharm baxi said...

This rat race often happens in my top zone too, majorly it is concerned with career nowadays but in college it was so many other things, you see :)

Good piece~~

Anonymous said...

Viji, for i heard that "mind is monkey"...after heraing from you now am thinking that it takes many shapes, who knows the next race may be between "Me n Asin"...!!!


Viji said...

@sudharm thanks for your complement
@sundar you and asin what a pair!!!good luck friend :)

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme