Fighting for my breath :)

Sitting on my chair
cherishing my breath
as and when it came
in irregular intervals
Looking at the colors
hearing my son's call
felt his hands on my shoulder
standing tall and smart.
Every breath an herculean task
lifted myself to walk across
feeling weak, but hated to lie
savoring every step that kept me alive..
Life is fun worth living
every minute exotically spun.
live this minute
live for this moment...
thinking of the next
would put you in a rest.
think of tomorrow
your life becomes narrow.
live dangerously
you are going to die just once
what's the fear?
In living it upfront :)
ps: please don't conclude that I'm suffering from terminal illness :)
15 Candles:
i know little melodramatic.. that's me..
Viji, I've tagged you for a nice meme. Visit my spot to participate. Cheers!!!
Thought-provoking lines there.
"thinking of the next
would put you in a rest.
think of tomorrow
your life becomes narrow."
Hmm, very relevant!!!
Keep writing!!!
"live dangerously
you are going to die just once
what's the fear?
In living it upfront :)"
That was bang on!!
Good piece..
Dar k aage jeet hai.
Brilliantly done Viji.
Liked it a lot.
Btw, I have tagged you for a nice meme. Please go through my blog.
you were working on the computer and your son patted your shoulder and asked you to cook for him?
that is what i deduced here..
the good thing about your poetry style is the tone-variations that i can achieve when i read it.. great flow...
you have given a new dimension to my poem :) my son is always hungry, i will be in and out of the kitchen every half an hour... may be I wrote this one when I had that time gap and he stood tall and smart :) i m quite good in multi tasking... my boss always says that too.
Thank you Chriz...
Viji, now I admire you even more. Keep going.
it's pretty confusing when two people use the same system.. logging in and logging out.. me and my son forget to log in in our respective ID's and always end up commenting the wrong blog :) if any one come across such wierd comments... then it is us... i am viji and he is fantasy...
thanks Ajey for tagging me and for your comment..
i liked those lines too...
thanks sudharm... happy to note that you enjoyed my poem...keep coming :)
thank you rahul... how true! thanks for tagging me..:) will definitely go through your blog
thank you vandya... apart from those few greys that run in my hair i feel my life full swing:)
Time,luv,Lyf,Advice,caution,.....well i could pen down more n more adjectives n nouns through your poem....
Yahoo!!!!i could Google out many thing,...cos am twettering more....!!!
sundar :)
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